
匿名   2020-10-28   19

关于未来的英语作文《About the Future》

I have studied for so many years. I believe that going to college can open the new chapter of my life. Now the future is so close to me. I will go to college in six months, (日记作文www.keNei.nEt)so I focus all my attention and fight for my future.

When my classmates and I talked about future, I told them that I wanted to be a teacher. On the one hand, I could pass the knowledge to the students, making contribution to the society and found my value. On the other hand, I could enjoy the long vacation to explore the world. When I was very small, I read a lot of travel books. I always wanted to travel around the world and broaden my vision.

So even I would become a college student, I still needed to study hard.





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